
Voice-Over, Post-Production, Video Production
and full fledged Live Streaming services.


Voice-Over, Post-Production, Video Production
and full fledged Live Streaming services.


Voice-Over, Post-Production, Video Production
and full fledged Live Streaming services.


Are you looking to successfully implement UX projects that meet user requirements? Look no further than the proven TRACK. THINK. MAKE. method! This structured approach provides a step-by-step process to ensure your product is tailored to user needs and is a success. THE 3 PILLARS OF Successful Projects in UX Research, Usability Engineering & Ergonomics. We apply our established TRACK. THINK. MAKE. method to all our projects.

01. Track.

The first phase, "Track," involves collecting data and information. In this phase, the goal is to understand and analyze user needs and problems. Various methods such as user interviews, surveys, observations, or data analysis can be used. The aim of this phase is to create a solid foundation for understanding user needs and laying the groundwork for product design. Creating a fact base based on the company’s situation, the market and customer needs. How do the users of your products and services tick? That's exactly what we at UBCG find out! Receive valuable consumer insights with which we design products that are successful on the market. We analyze your target group, their tasks and the usage environment.

Deliverables & outcomes:

  • User Research
  • Customer journey map
  • Scenarios, use cases & user stories
  • Customer segments
  • Ecosystem or touchpoint maps
  • Mood boards
  • Task flow & service blueprint
  • Personas
  • User requirements

02. Think.

In the second phase, "Think," the focus is on developing a clear vision of what the product should look like. In this phase, ideas are generated, and prototypes are created to see how they can be tailored to meet user needs. This phase requires a creative and strategic mindset to ensure that the ideas have the potential to meet user requirements. Developing visions and devising strategies to establish spheres of activity and specific measures.

Deliverables & outcomes:

  • Design Thinking
  • Design Sprints
  • Personas
  • User Journey Map
  • Etc…

03. Make.

The third phase, "Make," refers to the actual implementation of the product. In this phase, the ideas and prototypes from the previous phase are implemented, and the final product is created. It is important that the product is closely aligned with user needs in this phase to ensure that it is successful and meets user requirements. Plan of action with KPIs and milestones to ensure implementation and measure performance . Creating prototypes of products and services is a way to reduce failures, in addition to saving the company. In the last step, it is time to bring the solution to the public...

Deliverables & outcomes:

  • Low fidelity & high fidelity wireframes
  • Interactive Prototype Designs
  • Usability Testing
  • Etc…

Recordings done & Counting


Events Covered




Canvas Printed

our partners

walt disney

Walter Elias Disney was an American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons.

Learn more

campo retro

The term retro has been in use since the 1960s to describe on the one hand new artifacts that self-consciously refer to particular modes, motifs, techniques, and materials of the past.

Oficial site

our events partners

vintage collection

best product

ultimate originality


the brag

spirit animal
Sparrow recordings

1750 North Vine Street
Hollywood, CA 90028, USA

let's get started

1750 North Vine Street
Hollywood, CA 90028, USA


Paula Salvatore
Studio Manager


Arthur Kelm
Technical Director
